We’ve all been there: behind a lit screen, typing descriptions into search engines with hopes that they will bring up the exact product you are looking for, at the price range you desire. Many a time, your hopes are realised as Google feeds back shopping ads that closely/exactly match what you need. It feels like magic, but it’s just the technological power of product attributes.
Product attributes refer to the characteristics that describe a product’s look, features, and details. These form the building blocks for a business’s product catalogue and also influences customers’ final purchase decision. When a business provides this information in an appealing, visible manner, more consumers opt for their product instead of competitors’ products.
Optimising your product attributes is, thus, important for your business growth. However, to improve your product attributes, you must first understand product attributes.
Dissecting attributes
Attributes are key for high product sales on online stores and eCommerce platforms, like Magento. Marketing and sales solutions like Google Merchant Center also help a business push its sales further by showcasing the relevant attributes, as set by the business, in visual ads across Google platforms when someone searches for the product.
Having tools that use all your product’s information to correctly market it is very useful. It ensures you can accurately target your products to the relevant people at the right time and in the best way to solidify a sale. This also eases and speeds up your customer’s online search journey, decision-making and checkout processes. Thus, improving your attributes results, online store activity and overall online sales. Attributes are also useful for various functions, including:
- Layered navigation and product comparison criteria
- To determine input control for product options
- Providing extra information on products
- Pricing and promotions criteria
- For search parameters
Types of attributes
On Digitrade’s eCommerce platform, Magento, you will find different forms of attributes. Some of them are required and some are optional. Meaning, you can remove them if not applicable to your products.
Remember: the better you manage your attributes on your eCommerce platforms, the better your product ads and free listings function.

Basic product data
Such attributes form the foundation for creating product ads and free listings that are successful. It is important that you submit data that is correct and on par with the quality you want your customers to see.

Price & availability
This is where you define the price and availability of your products. Potential customers see this data first in your ads and free listings, so ensure it is always correct and up to date. This is especially important with the availability of your products. Also, do not forget to change your product pricing when it goes on sale. The sale price will push your product’s ads and listings higher up the ranks.

Product category
You can organize your advertising campaigns and override automatic product categorization in certain cases within Google, using product categories. Google does, however, have predetermined categories you need to map your product categories with. This is done after you first exclude the categories that are not relevant to your product. For example, if your product category is Carry-on Luggage, and Google’s closest predetermined category is Suitcases, change your category to Suitcases.

Product identifiers
Google uses product identifiers to better understand what it is you are selling. Once the software understands, it adds valuable specifics about your product on relevant ads and listings, while simultaneously boosting its performance on its platform.

Detailed product description
Consumers can easily draw up an in-depth understanding of your product through these attributes, as they include product characteristics that users commonly search for. Thus with these attributes, your business can control the display of your products, especially when they have special variants. These also help potential customers filter through products by attributes when searching on Google.

Shopping campaigns and other configurations
Attributes for shopping campaigns and similar configurations keep you in control over how your product data is used once uploaded on shopping engines and other platforms. As a result, your products experience the treatment you require them to, once you are done creating and going live with advertising campaigns in Google Ads.

Destinations, Shipping and Tax
The following attributes allow you to control the various locations your content will appear. Also, they provide precise shipping costs quickly and calculate accurate tax costs. You can use Shipping and Tax attributes along with other shipping and tax software to improve overall performance.

Extra tip for better attribute management
Something that isn’t known by many is that you can add your own, original attributes to the Magento platform through the backend for better performing online ads. You can get all of this done for your business, along with other eCommerce related solutions, with the help of Digitrade. Digitrade has a team of experts that are masters at the craft of online commerce. Therefore, they can optimize your presence online swiftly and skilfully. Try their services today here.